Friday 17 October 2014

1.3 Mommy: Alex; Daddy: Beau Andrews

Now that Jenna and Jaime are children and fairly self-sufficient, Alex gets on with skilling up Gwenna and Gavin.

See! I do potty train my toddlers before aging them up!

I just forget to take pictures sometimes.

To be honest, I mostly took this picture because it's cute. I like these guys.

Alex has to deal with a lot of toddler poop. Of course, if she wanted a life where she didn't have to deal with poop, she probably shouldn't have been a part of this kind of challenge.

Gavin: Mommy, how am I supposed to potty with my pants on?

Alex: I dunno, kid, but sims have been doing it since the dawn of time, so you're not gonna be the one to change that.

Meanwhile, the older twins are still playing together. They spend most of their time playing catch or tag or scaring each other with floating flashlight faces.

Gavin learned how to walk and now he toddles about all the time. That's probably my favourite thing sims do. What can I say? I'm a fan of the cute.

So now that the younger twins are mostly skilled up, Alex has another duty.

Making babies with random men she meets.

For a married man, Beau Andrews was really easy to get into bed.

And just like with the last two, Alex has to tell Beau that it's not him, it's the challenge, and would he please leave and never come back?

While mommy is being inappropriate, the older twins take care of their little siblings. I am so glad that this is a thing children can do. It makes things so much easier.

Alex: BLARRGHHH! I don't like this part.

But you like your kids.

Alex: Yeah, I do.

Alex pops into maternity wear and is for some reason happy that she's pregnant with Beau Andrews' child. Which is surprising because not even Beau's wife is willing to be pregnant with his child.

Alex: Well, with my genes, the kid will be gorgeous no matter what.

After both reaching the honour roll at school, Jenna and Jaime age up. Jenna is shocked at her serious look.

Jenna: I did not spend my entire childhood looking like a boy and running around just to become a secretary!

And Jaime looks sad over his hair.

Jaime: I just . . . don't think it's me is all *sniff*

There, you happy? Now you're feminine-looking, but still look like you enjoy running around.

Jenna rolled Frugal as her teen trait. She's also really pretty, even if, as I've been complaining, she is a mommy clone.

And this is the makeover pic of Jaime where he ISN'T blinking. Breaking the twin telepathy they seemed to have going on, he rolled Daredevil as his teen trait. Tell me, does that face look like a daredevil to you? Because to me it screams "I just want to go back to bed".

And Alex paints.

Wait, Alex, shouldn't you be teaching your youngest children how to, I don't know, function as normal sims?

Alex: Did that.

Oh, well then.

So now it's time for some birthdays. Oldest first.

And then Gavin's turn.

Here's the adorable Gwenna post-makeover. She rolled Neat as her child trait, and that means she'll be compulsively making everyone's beds and cleaning up dishes. Which means the beds will actually get made and the dishes will actually get cleaned. And don't even get me started on the bathrooms (yuck).

And here's Gavin. He's a bit chubby, but that makes him all the more cuddly. He rolled Cat Person as his child trait. Which I promptly groaned at because HECK NO we are not getting a cat.

Gwenna spends most of her time not cleaning or doing homework, fishing. Don't ask me why, I just thought it would be nice for her to have a hobby.

Back at home, Alex goes into labour.

And Jenna and Jaime instantly decide that they're never having kids ever.

Alex goes into her room so as not to traumatize her children.

And gives birth to Norah. A brave heavy sleeper who likes white, fruit parfait and country music.

In the living room, Gwenna has gotten back from fishing and she and her twin are doing homework.

And the older kids reach books for school. All while listening to their mother's screams and their new little sister's cries.

Norah is aged up.

And is given a hat.

Join us next time to see who Daddy #4 is because, really, at this point, Alex doesn't know anybody else.

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